U.E. 1363038166, I dreamt a dream.
Logged on Doughnut I/O. U.E. 1363068651.
I was back in my high school, as a student in his last high-school year preparing for upcoming matric exam (University entrance exam). It was a good thing; is there anyone, who does not want to re-live and make small (or big) changes to their youth years? I don't think so.
I realized I spent the whole summer and haven't started studying at all until late June (the exam is in early March but by my perfectionistic standard, I should be able to score multiple distinctions if I sit exam even in September). However, it was not what I was going to fret compared with the chance to re-live my youth and I also retained all my memory from this (real-world) timeline. I am always strong in mathematics (since I have a good education in computer science). I have an even better command of English and in Burmese now (except in spelling department; still not big deal since my younger-self's body can absorb spelling in a quicker time than my current-self). Similar to mathematics, I need less to worry about physics, chemistry and economics. Memorizing history (with dates), economics and geography would be a minor problem, wait ... a ...... sec, what year is it ? How come the class is not mine ?
There come the sad truth. I am, yes, a student preparing for matric exam but I am also a second-year drop-out from the medical school, whose parents bribe through the high-school to restart with the matric exam! That explains why there was a very few friends of mine in my class. I was in a timeline, in which I had wasted two years of my youth, which is unacceptabl to me.
What also occured to me was, two years after I finished my matric exam, the curriculum changed (no history, biology and geography if I choose to ... Bingo!) and the amount of stuffs I needed to learn for physics, chemistry and economics is huge (Yikes!). I retain my memory from the (real) timeline and missed the memory of the junior year of high-school!
Unacceptable! Totally unacceptable. Non Sequitur! Like Ensign Harry Kim of Starship Voyager!!! I started my adventure to correct everything and come back to my timeline ...
Unacceptable! Totally unacceptable. Non Sequitur! Like Ensign Harry Kim of Starship Voyager!!! I started my adventure to correct everything and come back to my timeline ...
By waking up! A sad "by waking up". No alien! No spaceship! No adventure! I woke up. What a life, even my dreams denied me an adventure.
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