It is finally here; The "Black Mesa", a non-Valve Source-engine-remake of the renown "Half-Life" is here. Here is the trailer:
My exposure to this artistic Half-Life series was pretty late. I was not an FPS fan. I liked Left 4 Dead but played only once. I only bought the Orange Box last Christmas because it is too cheap a bargain. Quite unexpectedly, I found the gems, Half-Life 2 and Portal.
Then I wanted to play the first Half-Life but somehow couldn't find the time. Gameplay footage on YouTube also made me disheartened because the original Half-Life is not built upon the Source Engine like Half-Life 2 and Portal are and the official port is also -- I think from the footage -- low-quality.
When I heard some die-hard fans are building "Black Mesa" -- the original Half-Life totally remade on Source Engine, I couldn't help but waited with enthusiasm. Now, the wait is finally over.
You can grab your copy at Black Mesa Website (you need a Source game -- Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Portal, Portal 2 or Half-Life 2 -- to play). I am also trying to download Black Mesa now but these days, unfortunately, I am too busy to start playing. :(
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