Doughnut I/O. U.E. 1338553200
I was quite behind when I learnt earlier today that I learn the existence of Humble Bundle quite late.
So, what it is all about? For gamers, you get four (five if you pay more than US$8.00) high-quality indie games (worth around US$110) at the price you name. That means you can pay as low as 0.01 to get four good games -- no string attached. Note that if you have to pay at least 1.00 to get Steam unlock codes, which are not necessary. Wow! amazing deal, right?
What's more? The charity!!! A portion of the money you pay goes to two charity in addition to the game developers and the event organizer (Humble Bundle Inc). Again, this is your choice to make which portion goes where. You can choose not to give a penny to Humble Bundle or the game developers but donate all your money to the charities -- you still can enjoy four (five if you pay more than US$8.00) good games. There are two charities you can divide your donation -- Electronic Frontier Foundation (defending your rights in the digital world) and Child's Play (improving the lives of children in hospitals). So make a move.
Quick!!! For the Humble Indie Bundle V is only available for only less than 13 hours (see update below). You can make payment through PayPal, Amazon Payment or Google Checkout.
I personally bought a bundle for myself and planning to buy another as a birthday gift for my friend (waiting her fund division decision). For me, 55% to game developers, 15% to each charity and Humble Bundle Inc (the organizer needs bandwidth).
I haven't tried to play the games because I am quite busy (and supposed to be in the coming weeks). I'll try the game and tell you about the quality of the games after I try them.
Updated at U.E. 1338612378. Here is a link to Humble Bundle. I mis-read the time-remaining. As of now, 12 days left.
Updated at U.E. 1338612378. Here is a link to Humble Bundle. I mis-read the time-remaining. As of now, 12 days left.
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