Doughnut I/O. U.E. 1338646579.
This afternoon, I chatted with my fellow geek.
Note: for political correctness, I'm not sure. He's an IT guy, who is also very fond of Anime, Manga and Sci-Fis so whether he's a geek or not is beyond the scope of this post :P
So, where were we? Oh yeah, I chatted with him on Star Wars Technology. He started with this:
He: Since Jedi has ample Force power, why do they waste energy on their spaceships? They can just use the Force to propel their stuffs. Since it is weightless in Space (I'd add they can also slingshot too!), there won't be much drain on their Force.
Me: Well, I don't know about this matter but given the point that they (Lucas et al.) did not give detailed Star Wars Tech (and that it happened long long ago, in a galaxy far far away), we can safely assume these spaceships are propelled with the Force.
I continued ...
Me: I think there is some limitation to the Force power the Jedi has. If they are too strong, Darth Vader wouldn't need to fight the X-Wings in the Battle of Yavin. He just pull the X-Wings away with the Force. In fact, the technology in Star Wars is a bit wield. Why didn't they just have some sort of shield on the exhaust ports?
He: Interesting. Then the Death Star will be an impenetrable fortress.
Me: Given the fact that in the Return of the Jedi, the shield generator for the new (second) Death Star is on the moon of Endor, it seemed like the Death Star design does not account for shields.
He: Well, Death Star has a very terrible design.
Me: Even then, they should know the port is unprotected and have someone wait there, probably with a SAM.
He: May be they think to shoot a proton torpedo into a two-meter hole is impossible.
Me: Nope. They know. Even Darth Vader said,
The ability to destroy a planet, or even a whole system [of your Death Star], is insignificant next to the power of the Force.
and force-choke the officer.
Here is a memory-refresher:
He: At least Darth Vader should have waited there :P with a SAM.
I mean, Vader should have waited here with a SAM or an AA gun. With the help of the Force, he can shoot down another Force user (Luke). Afterall, X-Wings is bigger than two-meters and Vader had much more training than Luke had with (late) Obi-wan.
Me: Well, he should have rather than dog-fighting with the X-Wings.
He: I conclude that Darth Vader et al. were so stupid.
Me: Sad truth.
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