Bias in journalism is not a new thing -- from political stories to tech news. However, in my humble opinion, there are two kinds of bias: intellectual carefully-worded bias that still reports the truth and idiotic shameless bias. The one raised up by Redmond Pie this time is of the latter type.
Here is the exhibit A, their smart-phone OS comparison chart:
Here is the exhibit A, their smart-phone OS comparison chart:
Exhibit A, Redmond Pie's Shameless Bias
(click to enlarge)
Allow me to start with mild ones. The first eye-catcher (that proves Redmond Pie didn't do its homework) is the "Security" row, which entries should be tight, loosen etc (There is no "yes" security but only "tight" security or "loosen" security). Moreover, doesn't Redmond Pie know a security expert even put a malware on Apple's Appstore to prove his theory that even non-jailbroken iCraps can have malware infested. Another early eye-catcher is "Voice Assistent" entry. Android's native voice assistent is called "Voice Action", which is not capable to talk back. However, listing an OEM's modification questions the knowledge of Redmond Pie on the subject at hand. Moreover, "Social Gaming" entry fails to acknowledge the existence of Samsung's GameHub -- making the table inconsistent among its entry. Another showcase Redmond Pie put to its own shame is the name of default Android browser. Android default browser is not "Chrome" although it is based on web-kit and, yes, it does not support tab syncing. However, one should clearly do its homework before one put his shamefully limited knowledge on the hive-mind (the internet). Chrome has tab syncing but Android's default is not.
More shameless stuffs is when Redmond Pie talks about Social Network Integration. As I have pointed out in my previous article, Android has done a very good social-network integration -- Android has integrated with all existing social-networks and the social-networks that will exist in the future (provided they have an app in Google Play Store). In layman terms (so that Redmond Pie understands), Android has already been integrated with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Catch Notes, Ever Notes, YouTube and many more, while iOS 6 only integrates with Facebook and Twitter. I won't comment on how shamelessly Redmond Pie put the entry on Windows Phone because I am not much familiar with Windows Phones (although I love the Nokia's Lumia designs). However, Redmond Pie is either shamelessly bias against Android or Redmond Pie has shamefully small amount of knowledge on Android OS and should not write comparison on tech products.
"WiFi Syncing" entry is outright wrong: Android devices sync on both WiFi and 3G. The feature is there since day 1 (with Android 1.0) that no one cares to talk about it when discussing Android stuffs. Related to this, "Wireless Cloud Backup" entry is also definitely wrong while "Free Cloud Storage" entry is clearly not right. Android has Wireless Cloud Backup and the amount of free cloud storage should be like this:
- Android has Unlimited Calendar Data Backup (through Google Calendar)
- Android has More than 7GB of Contacts and E-mail Backup (through GMail)
- Android has Unlimited Photo and Video Backup (through Google+ and Picasa) -- 2GB very high quality, unlimited reasonably high quality -- and
- Android has 5GB of Document Backup (through Google Drive) while
- iOS6 has 5GB free cloud storage for E-mail, Contact, Calendar, Photo, Video and Documents combined.
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